Head of School Katie Titus will unveil Moses Brown’s new strategic vision. Last year’s Stewarding Our School event launched 12 months of reflection and planning—and our community enthusiastically embraced meaningful conversations and dialogue about our shared future:
14 Community Conversations last spring
3 Discernment Dialogues this fall
700+ attendees who generated…
Over 530 ideas about the future of Moses Brown School!
Please join us to learn about the strategic vision you helped shape, which will guide us to 2034 when Moses Brown School celebrates 250 years of Quaker Education! Register here.
Free childcare (& pizza!) is available during the event (5:30 - 8:00 pm). Link to sign up for childcare is here.
The Parents' Association will be hosting a reception prior to the event for all community members in the Sinclair Room from 5:30 - 6:20 pm. Please join them for community and to enjoy the All School Art Show on display